Do You Have Question?

We have answers (well, most of times!)

Below you’ll find answers to the most common questions you may have on Harishchandragad trek. If you still can’t find the answer you’re looking for,  just Contact us!

Harishchandragad map?

We are provide you all route detail map in visit & trek page.

Do we need permission to do Harishchandragad Trek?

Harishchandragad trek does not require permission from the forest department. You can do this trek on your own without any permission. 

Is camping allowed on Harishchandragad Trek?

There are no restrictions on camping on the Fort. You can camp near the temple or can stay inside the caves that are on the top of Harishchandragad. Many local people are now providing ready installed tent accommodation at nominal cost. So there are the hotels and camping contact details listed on visit & trek page that will help you plan a visit.

Is the Harishchandragad trek difficult?

Yes, It is one of the most challenging treks in the Western Ghats. If you are beginner then choose pachnai route, It is easy route as compare other. 

Is experience required for Harishchandragad fort?

Yes, there are chances that you might get lost in forest. There is dense Forest & it’s very misty in monsoon. Take a guide with you from the base village. We provide the list of guide in visit & trek page. Take one of them they can help in emergencies.

Where we can park our vehicle?

You can park your vehicle in front of any house or small hotels.
it is safe to park the car in the base village. Pay the owner to look after the car. We are providing you the list of guides & small hotels belongs to base village in visit & trek page, contact them for parking.

Is there drinking water on top of harishchandragad?

Yes, behind the harishchandreshwar temple there are some drinkable water tanks. If you are not familiar with this there are small stalls from there you can buy a bottle of water.

What is the convenience of food on the harishchandragad ?

A few villagers from Khireshwar as well as Paachnai village make food and tent arrangements at base village & the top of the fort. The meal includes bhakri, bhaaji, daal, bhat, etc. along with snacks such as kanda bhaji, pohe, tea, etc. The contact numbers of some hotels on the fort are given by us on the visit & trek page, you can contact them.

Can we listen to music on Bluetooth speakers?

Listening to music on Bluetooth speakers is not allowed while trekking. Kalsubai Harishchandragad wildlife sanctuary forest department doesn’t allow speakers inside the forest. Do not disturb the natural environment by playing loud music or by other disruptive activities. 

Can we smoke or drink alcohol?

People caught smoking or drinking alcohol will be asked to fine & exit the trek on an immediate basis. Kindly do not damage the fort area by indulging in any act of vandalism, alcoholism or littering.

Is the toilet available on Harishchandragad?

Not available.                                                                                                              During the trek, toilets are not available

Phone connectivity on harischandragad trek?

You get the signal only at the highway. Once you reach the village, only a few network providers catch the signal but they are very unstable. On top of the Harishchandragad and Taramati peak, you get a good network. Almost all the network providers catch the signal there.

Where is harishchandreagad located?

Harishchandragad is a hill fort situated on the boundaries of 3 districts of Maharashtra i.e. Pune, Ahmednagar & Thane. The fort comes under Harishchandragad-Kalsubai Wildlife Sanctuary.

How far is Harishchandragad from Pune ?

From Pune to Khireshwar village – 125km

According to different base village distance may vary. For more information about this check out visit & trek page.

How far is Harishchandragad from Mumbai ?

From Mumbai to Khireshwar village – 138km

According to different base village distance may vary. For more information about this check out visit & trek page.

How far is Harishchandragad from Ahmednagar ?

From Pune to Pachnai village – 145km

According to different base village distance may vary. For more information about this check out visit & trek page.


Mark · September 8, 2022 at 6:49 am

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    amolskorade · November 11, 2022 at 10:36 am

    Thank you so much Mark for your considered comment.
    I’m glad that you found this website informative and helpful.

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